
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ankle Surgery, & Stuff

So the  last month, I started seeing a podiatrist.  He told me that "magic salves" and all that, like amniomatrix are fine and good.  But they don't take care of the problem.  So, my problem is that - as a diabetic - the ligaments in my ankles shrink.  This causes all the weight of my feet to rest on the balls of my feet, which causes the foot ulcers that I have suffered from for the past two years.  He suggested a procedure where they actually lengthen my ligaments.

So, two weeks ago, I went in.  It was a simple procedure.  Of course, he numbed my ankle up.  The weird thing was watching him do it.  He inserted some big ass tweezers into my ankle and used a small scalpel to snip my ligament in half in three places.  Each time he snipped a part of the ligament, it felt like someone plucking a guitar string inside of my leg.  Then he put a big ass boot on my foot that I have to wear for six weeks, including walking with crutches.  Then, at the end of the six weeks, I will have the same procedure done on the other foot.

As a reminder, here is what my foot looked like three weeks ago:

Here is what it looks like today:

And for good measure, here is my right foot, the one that has given me numerous problems since 2010:

If this healing keeps up, I will be back on my foot this year!  Who knows?  Maybe my walk-about can go on as desired!